PRMS Homework Page
5th Grade Homework
AHARONI - ELA - Read 20 minutes
SS Explorer trading Card due tomorrow
CASALE - ELA - Read 20 minutes, Sentence/Fragment quiz tomorrow, IXL JJ.4 Sentence or Fragment
HOGAN- ELA - Read 20 minutes, Read Works An Ula for Grandma
LENTINI/Saccardo - ELA - Read 20 minutes, read independent book for 20 minutes 3 post-its
SS Review European Exploration Vocabulary
SHINE- ELA- Read 20 minutes, charge your chrome book
SS Begin to review Age of Exploration Vocabulary tomorrow
McCRORY - ELA- Read 20 minutes, Revise your Read Works (if you need to) make up any missing work
SS -
McQUEEN- ELA Read 30 minutes
MEEHAN - ELA - Read 20 minutes, have an IRB in class daily, Super Strategies Log 3 days a week, complete unfinished class work
SS -
REALE/KANE - ELA - Read 20 minutes, response # 13
SS - Age of Exploration quiz Tuesday,3/18
McKivergan Science- Unit 3 test tomorrow, review slide shows and vocabulary
BAND/Mrs. Hensley - Mrs. Hensley's page where the homework is posted.
ORCHESTRA/Ms. Desir - Ms. Desir's page where the homework is posted.
CATRONA/Kane/Revelli - Math - IXL M.3 and M.4 OR M.6 due tomorrow, workbook p 35
Science - 5S1 test tomorrow, 5S2 test Monday or Tuesday
Oleksy Math - Unit 3 test tomorrow
Science -
DeRosa/Saccardo - Math- Unit 3 test Wednesday, 3/19, practice Division Facts (15 minutes) IXL Chart (10 minutes) due tomorrow, Volume/Spiral worksheet # 2
Science - Get rubric signed, show parents test grade
SEILER - Math - IXL due tomorrow, review sheet, test Tuesday, 3/18
Science- Stem Sims lesson 8 submit by Wednesday
6th Grade Homework
ADDINO - ELA - Read for 20 minutes, extra credit song title and artist due by 3/21
McCarren- ELA- Read for 20 minutes, Read Rally passage "The Lost Dinosaur of London" record your answers on Rally and on your answer sheet due tomorrow
MULCAHY- ELA- Read for 20 minutes, Malala Common Lit due tomorrow
Robinson- ELA- Read for 20 minutes, Common Lit "Should We Get Rid of Daylight Savings Time" due Monday, 3/17
SULLIVAN- ELA- Read for 20 minutes, finish all slides up to 21
BELL- SS- Complete classwork form
TOLEDO- SS Complete classwork form
BAND/Mrs. Hensley - Mrs. Hensley's page where the homework is posted.
ORCHESTRA/Ms. Desir - Ms. Desir's page where the homework is posted.
BENNET- Science- Check PORTAL to see if you are missing assignments, email Mrs. Bennett with the SPECIFIC assignment you made up for a GRADE CHANGE
KRYSTEL- MATH Period 9 Percent change video formative
Period 2,5, 7 New green workbook p 9 show all steps of solve and check
MARTINEZ - Science -
O’FLYNN - Click here to be taken to Mrs. O'Flynn's Webpage where the homework is posted.
7th Grade Homework
O’CONNOR - SS - Key Dates:
POLLACK - ELA - Finish drafting your fan fiction/narrative chapter, you must turn in completed version by end of class tomorrow
BAND/Mrs. Hensley - Mrs. Hensley's page where the homework is posted.
ORCHESTRA/Ms. Desir - Ms. Desir's page where the homework is posted.
KRENTZMAN - Math 7 - Percent test Friday, 3/21, review homework due tomorrow, stop in at recess for help
Pre-Alg - Percent test tomorrow, recess for practice
MACKIN - Math 7 - Test 3/21, graded review homework due tomorrow
Pre-Alg Test Tuesday, Polynomials, p 23 p 29-31 Cheat Sheet
PASSMAN - Science - Dare homework # 4, HW Observing "No" 3 handouts due by Monday
WHIPPLE - Science - DARE homework # 4, complete handouts from Wednesday, Brain Pops 10 facts each Nutrition Digestive System
Hogne/Gizzi Math- Finish classwork
ELA- Read 20 minutes, IXL
World Languages